Plan for Today
Losing a loved one is a chapter in life we all must go through. Our professional concierge service at TR Brownjohn Memorial Home will work with the family to compassionately plan a Memorial Ceremony.
There is no formal structure to a Memorial Ceremony. Friends and family may participate in many different ways including delivering eulogies, singing songs, playing musical instruments or anything you may want to celebrate the passing of a loved one. Tom or one of his family consultants will be your best source of information. Their contact details are provided in the contact section of this website.
Plan for the Future
Planning for the future is often referred to as “Pre-Paid.” The Pre-Paid Plan is a way to plan and pay for your Memorial Ceremony in advance. Once the plan has been paid for, there will be no further expenses. The cost of tomorrow’s Ceremony will be fixed at today’s prices. Further, you can specify exactly the type of Memorial Ceremony you wish.
We believe that everyone should go out as they wish and as they lived, whether that means with your favourite Bono ballad at the service or French champagne at the wake. Whatever your final wishes entail, if you make them known in advance, we’ll see that they are carried out brilliantly.
We can arrange honour guards, displays of personal art collections and yachts of all sizes for services at sea. You only live once. All the more reason a Memorial Ceremony should be extraordinary. To create a personalised Memorial plan, it’s time to talk to Tom Brownjohn at (02) 4782 2613.
Further, your funds are secure. Your funds are held in a trust which is controlled by the State of NSW and invested in a capital investment program. They are 100% secure. And if you move to another part of the country, the funds will follow you and be reassigned to your choice of a local Memorial or Funeral home.

Plan for Today
Losing a loved one is a chapter in life we all must go through. Our professional concierge service at TR Brownjohn Memorial Home will work with the family to compassionately plan a Memorial Ceremony.
There is no formal structure to a Memorial Ceremony. Friends and family may participate in many different ways including delivering eulogies, singing songs, playing musical instruments or anything you may want to celebrate the passing of a loved one. Tom or one of his family consultants will be your best source of information. Their contact details are provided in the contact section of this website.
Plan for the Future
Planning for the future is often referred to as “Pre-Paid.” The Pre-Paid Plan is a way to plan and pay for your Memorial Ceremony in advance. Once the plan has been paid for, there will be no further expenses. The cost of tomorrow’s Ceremony will be fixed at today’s prices. Further, you can specify exactly the type of Memorial Ceremony you wish.
We believe that everyone should go out as they wish and as they lived, whether that means with your favourite Bono ballad at the service or French champagne at the wake. Whatever your final wishes entail, if you make them known in advance, we’ll see that they are carried out brilliantly.
We can arrange honour guards, displays of personal art collections and yachts of all sizes for services at sea. You only live once. All the more reason a Memorial Ceremony should be extraordinary. To create a personalised Memorial plan, it’s time to talk to Tom Brownjohn at (02) 4782 2613.
Further, your funds are secure. Your funds are held in a trust which is controlled by the State of NSW and invested in a capital investment program. They are 100% secure. And if you move to another part of the country, the funds will follow you and be reassigned to your choice of a local Memorial or Funeral home.
My Memorial Preferences